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Test program: Ale Ponzanelli

Let's introduce the first surfer who officially joined our product tester program: Alessandro Ponzanelli.

Alessandro, known as Ale, started surfing when he was 12 in the seaside area of Tuscany (Italy). He immediately fell in love with the gliding style of longboards. Ale loves discovering new spots, and he was the perfect fit to start this program.

He tested the 7.0 coffin, the 9.6 double bag and a new prototype that is currently in the design process.

We always strive to push the boundaries and test the limits of our products. That's why we asked Ale to treat the bags roughly and try to find any points that could be improved. He spent a few weeks using the products, surfing, and traveling with them. The feedback was positive; all the gear resisted stress tests and held up well.

An important suggestion from Alessandro is to consider longer bags, especially for extensive trips. Longboards and larger gear require dedicated attention during travel. While our current collection covers longboards up to 9.6, we will definitely consider creating something even bigger! Thank you for the suggestion, Ale!

The testing process was carefully recorded by Gianmaria.

The entire MIGRA SURF team wants to thank both of them for the passion and dedication you have put into this special development program.

Follow Alessandro on Instagram

Featured products

7.0 Coffin bag

3.0 Dry backpack

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